let's have a party cd

"Let's Have A Party!"

The Auf Geht's Musik CD

Our “Let’s Have A Party!” album is available in Compact Disc,

mp3 Instant Download, or USB Flash Drive.

Click on the “Sample & Purchase” button above for more details.

Let's Have a Party!

Our CD features the whole band including lots of yodeling, brass and woodwinds, banjo, tuba, drums, accordion, Wolf’s kids, and Kerry’s Dad.

Lots of Fun, Lots of Variety!

German, Czech and Cleveland style polkas, country polka, Latin polka, Bluegrass polka, Clarinet Polka, Beer Barrel Polka, Too Fat Polka, and a guest appearance by Satchmo!

With Gratitude for Where We Came From

So much of life to share and celebrate together! Let’s keep singing and dancing and spreading smiles and laughter wherever we go!

And Gratitude to Those Who Have Helped Us Along the Way

Our happy music is the product the beautiful souls and wonderful memories and our gracious God that has carried us through life and sustained us in good times and bad.

The Making of "Let's Have A Party"

Watch the historic video documentary of the first Auf Geht’s CD project in the making.